Of all the different outdoor activities that I enjoy, backpacking and camping is at the heart of almost every single one. Backpacking is perhaps one of the most fundamental skills I have developed as an outdoorsman and is something I pull from in almost every situation, even at home. For anyone who has attempted to go backpacking, the most obvious, and perhaps most crucial piece of gear is your backpack. A huge bag, usually supported by an internal frame with a myriad of padded straps and buckles that contains everything you need to live, thrive, and survive over the course of your trip. The concept of your bag can even become metaphorical and represent the things you carry with you on a daily basis. Many artists, writers, and naturalists have stumbled upon this very realization and have spent a portion of their time contemplating this exact thought. With this print, I wanted to provide the image of a backpack and allow the individual viewer to fill it with their own meaning and maybe even memories of past experiences.
Dimensions: 3″x 2.5″
linocut on paper